Welcome to the WebVR Content Kit where you can find all the resources you will ever need about the WebVR. You can use it to learn the topic yourself or teach it to others either by giving a conference talk or running a hands-on workshop.
This Content Kit can be used as a base for the conference talk material, workshop, online training or whatever else comes to your mind. You can use the slides containing the commented, explained snippets of code to present the topic to the audience, or you can run a live-coding session showing people how to build a demo that supports use of VR headset from scratch. You can also add your own content or trim the existing one if you have limited time for the talk.
This Content Kit was last updated on October 16th 2015. It is published under the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0.
Here's what the audience will be able to get from your talk.
TODO: explain the setup.
TODO: create the demo and explain the setup.
Follow these external reference materials to learn more about WebVR.
You may encounter some technical difficulties during your time with the VR headset. If the API is not working properly you will need to reconnect it, restart the browser or in some cases even the computer.
Remember that the audience may have some questions about the topic. Be sure to feel comfortable with what you're presenting. Don't worry if you don't know the answer to a question - you can always tell them you'll check it and answer later, or you can point them to any of the external resources so they can check it themselves.
Send pull requests if you find anything that should be fixed or updated.
The English version is the only one available right now, but the Polish version is being worked on and should be available in the near future. Feel free to translate the resources to your native language and send the pull request, so other developers can benefit from that.
This Content Kit was created by Andrzej Mazur - you can ping him on Twitter @end3r or send him an email. Feel free to ask questions, request training on using the Content Kit or preparing for the talk. Send feedback if you have any.
If you're interested in Content Kits you can find the full list on the MDN page. If you want to create one yourself there's Mozilla Wiki for that with all the details you need. The Content Kits project started as the collaboration between the Mozilla MDN Technical Writers and Technical Evangelism teams. They are here to help you, so don't hesitate if you need anything or have any questions: ask them directly via the #mdn IRC channel or the dev-mdc mailing list.